4.7.2 Preferred place of death

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This will have been discussed with the person with Parkinson’s and the family at an earlier stage by the health and social care professional as part of the person-centred care planning, and recorded in the advance care plan.

When death is recognised as imminent this discussion will need to be raised again to establish the person’s preferred place of death, as their wishes may have changed. It is important that continuity of care is adequately supported at all times. This may be at home, in hospital, in a care and/or nursing home or a hospice.

It is also important to consider the family and/or carers at this stage. They may be suffering carer exhaustion or stress if the person with Parkinson’s is living at home. They may require a temporary period of respite by their loved one going into a hospice or a nursing home.

4.7.1 Withdrawing or rationalising treatment in the dying phase

4.8 Recognising the needs of carers