10.8 Where next?

You have now reached the end of part 1 of the Scots language and culture course.

Scots language and culture – part 2

Part 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] of this course gives you more in-depth insights into the role of Scots language in Scotland’s history and culture, and where you will also take a look at the future of Scots.

Part 2 contains the following units:

  1. History and linguistic development of Scots by Simon Hall

  2. Scots song by Steve Byrne

  3. Storytelling, comedy and popular culture by Donald Smith

  4. Scots and the history of Scotland by James Robertson

  5. Scots and religion by Donald Smith

  6. Scots abroad by Billy Kay

  7. Grammar by Christine Robinson

  8. Literature – poetry by Alan Riach

  9. Literature – prose by Alan Riach

  10. Standardisation of Scots by Michael Dempster.


Once you have completed part 2 of the course, you will have gained the knowledge that enables you to complete the course quiz. When completing the quiz successfully, you will gain a badge as proof of your successful study.

Go to Part 2 of this course.

10.7 What I have learned

Further research