Alexandria Burns Club (n.d.) Address to a Haggis by Robert Burns [Online]. Available at Assets/ Poems_Songs/ toahaggis.htm [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 09 January 2019).
Alistair Macdonald (n.d.) Skyscraper Wean, Big Tim Productions, YouTube [Online]. Available at watch?v=1U8HtzXZiUg (Accessed 20 January 2019).
BBC Scotland (2014) UK government bids to overturn US haggis ban [Online]. Available at news/ uk-scotland-scotland-business-28070716 (Accessed 20 January 2019).
Bonnie Plants (n.d.) Growing Kale [Online] Available at growing/ growing-kale/ (Accessed 15 January 2019).
Burns, R. (1785) Scotch Drink [Online]. Available at works/ 84.shtml (Accessed 11 January 2019).
Burns, R. (1786) Address to a Haggis [Online]. Available at poem/ address-haggis/ (Accessed 17 January 2019).
Burns, R. (1790) Tam o’ Shanter [Online]. Available at poem/ tam-o-shanter-tale/ (Accessed 20 January 2019).
Dods, M. (1823) The Meg Dods Cookery Book [Online]. Available at stream/ cookandhousewif01johngoog#page/ n628/ mode/ 2up (Accessed10 January 2019). Note: This is the Bible of Scottish food and drink, written allegedly by Meg Dods who is the feisty fictional mistress of the Cleikum Inn in Walter Scott’s novel, St Ronan’s Well. The actual author was Isobel Johnstone, wife of Scott’s publisher. Everything you need to know ( and some you are perhaps better not knowing!) about Scottish food and how to cook it is here.
Dove, A. (2017) ‘Scottish seafood industry adds value with innovation’, The Scotsman, 24 August [Online]. Available at: business/ companies/ scottish-seafood-industry-adds-value-with-innovation-1-4537828 (Accessed 18 March 2019).
Fergusson, R. (1772) Caller Oysters [Online]. Available at poet/ robert-fergusson/ (Accessed 01 December 2018). Note: This novel is the story of 18th century Highland Scotland and includes lots of information on the rise of the herring fishing industry.
Gates, P. (2017) ‘5 top exports for Scotland right now’, Insider, [Online]. Available at special-reports/ 5-top-exports-scotland-right-10987328
Gault, A. (2017) ‘Scotland produces world class fresh fish but 70 per cent don’t eat enough seafood’, The Scottish Sun [Online]. Available at living/ 684281/ scotland-produces-world-class-fresh-fish-but-70-per-cent-dont-eat-enough-seafood/(Accessed 11 December 2018).
Gunn, N. (1941) The Silver Darlings, London, Faber and Faber.
Heriot-Watt University (n.d.) Scot's Word of the Week [Online]. Available at fun/ words/ SWOTW_archive3.html#piece (Accessed 09 January 2019)
Historyshelf (n.d.) Overfishing [Online]. Available at secf/ silver/ 11.php (Accessed 02 December 2018).
McNeill, F. M. (1929) The Scots Kitchen, London, Birlinn Ltd. Note: Prefaced as ‘An Historical Sketch’, this is a fascinating guide not just to Scottish foods and how to cook them, but to the history, traditions and folklore associated with the nation’s food and drink.
NHS Good Food (n.d.) Fish and Shellfish, [Online]. Available at Livewell/ Goodfood/ Pages/ fish-shellfish.aspx (Accessed 09 January 2019)
Scotch Whisky Association (2018) 2017 Export Figures, 9 Feb [Online]. Available at news-publications/ news/ 2017-export-figures/ #.XG_TIfZ2vIV (Accessed 09 January 2019).
Scotland Food & Drink (n.d.) [Online]. Available at (Accessed 09 January 2019).
Scottish Development International (n.d.) Food and Drink [Online]. Available at trade/ sectors/ food-and-drink/(Accessed 01 December 2018).
Sharp, A. (1985) A Green Tree in Gedde, London, New York, Penguin.
Taste-of-Scotland (2017) Scottish Cuisine – Contemporary & Traditional [Online]. Available at scottish-cuisine-contemporary-and-traditional-food-from-scotland(Accessed10 January 2019).
Traditional Scottish Songs (n.d.) We're No' Awa' Tae Bide Awa [Online]. Available at songs/ blsongs_bide.htm (Accessed 09 January 2019).
Urban Dictionary (n.d.) [Online]. Available at (Accessed 09 January 2019).
World Goumet Summit (2015) Singapore's best chefs talk Scottish seafood, YouTube [Online]. Available at embed/ ritcen3hqzo (Accessed 09 January 2019).
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