Further reading

Carlton (2016) ‘The ten types of business model pivots in lean startup’, Look Forward Consulting, 30 June [Blog]. Available at https://lookforwardconsulting.com/ 2016/ 06/ 30/ ten-types-business-model-pivots-lean-startup/ [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 19 March 2019).

DeMers, J. (2018) ‘5 big brands that had massively successful pivots’, Entrepreneur Europe, 15 February [Online]. Available at https://www.entrepreneur.com/ article/ 308975 (Accessed 14 December 2018).

Founder Institute (2018) ‘What pivoting is, when to pivot, and how to pivot effectively’, 27 August [Blog]. Available at www.fi.co (Accessed 10 December 2018).

GatesCambridge (2012) Money vs Mission [Online]. Available at https://www.gatescambridge.org/ news/ money-vs-mission (Accessed 19 March 2019).

Ries, E. (2012) ‘Eric Ries: 10 classic strategies for a fast, user-focused company reboot’, excerpt from The Lean Startup made available by the Fast Company [Online]. Available at https://www.fastcompany.com/ 1669814/ eric-ries-10-classic-strategies-for-a-fast-user-focused-company-reboot (Accessed 19 March 2019.

Smale, W. (2017) ‘Meet the world’s youngest self-made billionaire’, BBC News, 20 November [Online]. Available at https://www.bbc.co.uk/ news/ business-41859941 (Accessed 19 March 2019.

Zwilling, M. (2011) ‘Top 10 ways entrepreneurs pivot a lean startup’, Forbes, 16 September [Online]. Available at https://www.forbes.com/ sites/ martinzwilling/ 2011/ 09/ 16/ top-10-ways-entrepreneurs-pivot-a-lean-startup/ #206c06152d2b (Accessed 19 March 2019.

Zwilling, M. (2016) ‘8 ways to pivot your business to kickstart growth’, Entrepeneur Europe, 15 June [Online]. Available at https://www.entrepreneur.com/ article/ 277285 (Accessed 19 March 2019).