Resource 1: Celebrations
Background information / subject knowledge for teacher
Spiritual well-being means being happy with your everyday life. This covers a wide range of things, including:
- having good health;
- being emotionally supported;
- having good relations with those around you;
- being able to enjoy your daily activities, including study, work and play.
One way to help develop this is to identify and celebrate those events in life that make us happy, for example, special occasions like religious festivals, birthdays and special holidays.
Part of the idea behind these celebrations is to spend time with family and friends. During these celebrations, we enjoy their company and feel secure and happy. Celebrations often have particular foods, music, games and gifts that link to the celebration.
It is possible to celebrate life in a similar way at school. The school is like a community, and has many things that everybody enjoys doing together. Special days at school could tie in with, for example:
- Religious festivals like Eid and Christmas;
- National Independence Day;
- World Environment Day;
- World Literacy Day;
- Children’s Day;
- Open Day;
- Speech and Prize Giving Day;
- Workers’ Day;
- World Communication Day;
- World AIDS Day.
What sorts of activities could you plan to help celebrate?
3. Celebrating success