Resource 3: The gosenga
Teacher resource for planning or adapting to use with pupils
Here is an example of a shrub or small tree commonly known as the Gosenga, which is widespread in West Africa.
- Name: Gosenga or Acaciadudgeoni.
- Where found: sandy soils in open savanna (location Yendi).
- Appearance of plant, leaves, flower and fruit, or seeds: flaky, reddish coloured bark with curved spines at nodes. Light green leaves. Small flowers and dried pods.
- Uses: a gum, firewood, wood for tools.
- Animals that can be associated with the plant: goats, antelopes and horses eat the leaves and young pods; bees get pollen from the flowers.
- Interesting beliefs: bark extract sometimes used for treating diarrhorea and dysentery in children.

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Resource 2: Reproduction in flowering plants