Resource 4: Questions on moving in the air
Background information / subject knowledge for teacher
Some animals can’t fly, but they can jump through the air. A monkey (rainforest animal) jumps from tree to tree. It has flaps of skin between its legs that help it move.

Blue monkey, Lake Manyara, Tanzania
Original source: Blue-Monkey-leap-of-faith-_H2D7594-Lake-Manyara-N.jpg [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 2008)
- Feathers: What are they made for? How do they grow? How many feathers does a bird have? What is the structure of a feather?
- Structure of a bird: How do a bird’s body shape and other features help it to fly?
- What kind of animals can parachute, glide or fly?
- What parts of flowers and plants can move through air?
Resource 3: Mini-beasts