7 Conclusion

Congratulations, you’ve completed the course in Deaf awareness for education.

Hopefully you now have an understanding of the different types of hearing loss, and strategies to use to ensure deaf and hard of hearing students can be included in their everyday learning, as well as how to be more inclusive in everyday scenarios.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this course and taking a first step to removing the communication barrier.

A cartoon image of a female signing the word ‘thank you’ in BSL. The signer has one hand held up just underneath her chin. The palm of her hand is flat with her fingers outstretched. An arrow points away from the face suggesting that to perform the sign for ‘thank you’ you would motion your hand away from your face/body.
Figure 16 Thank you

If you are interested in learning more about deafness and hearing loss you might find it useful to read: A Self-Guide Book on Deafness, Hearing Loss and Tinnitus [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

The image is of a front cover of the book ‘A Self-Guide Book on Deafness, Hearing Loss and Tinnitus’ by J’enna Flynn.
Figure 17 Further reading

8 About the author