Summary of Study Session 6
In Study Session 6, you have learned that:
- Learning is a process that results in some modification in the learner’s ways of thinking, feeling and doing. The characteristics of learning include the idea of learning as a unitary process: it is both an individual and a social experience that is self-active, purposive and can be creative and transferable.
- Steps in the learning process include:
- Observation (watching) very carefully.
- Using other sensing methods like listening, touching or tasting.
- Speaking and asking for responses to questions such as ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ something happens.
- Imitating or copying the same action saying, ‘Let me do it myself’.
- Repeating the action again and again.
- Performing the action while others are observing you.
- Principles of learning include readiness, exercise, effect, primacy, recency, intensity and freedom.
- Readiness implies a degree of willingness and eagerness of an individual to learn something new.
- Exercise states that those things most often repeated are best remembered.
- Effect implies that learning is strengthened when accompanied by a pleasant or satisfying feeling.
- Primacy the things you learn first often create a strong impression which can be very difficult to change.
- Recency states that things most recently learned are best remembered.
- Intensity implies that a learner will learn more from the real thing than from a substitute.
- The principle of freedom states that things freely learned are learned best.
- In the day to day activities of health education, the factors that influence learning may be classified into four categories: physical factors, psychological factors, environmental factors and teaching methodology.
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6.4.4 Teaching methodology