Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 9

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions. Write your answers in your Study Diary and discuss them with your Tutor at the next Study Support Meeting. You can check your answers with the Notes on the Self-Assessment Questions at the end of this Module.

SAQ 9.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 9.1 and 9.2)

Which of the three main types of communication (intrapersonal, interpersonal or mass communication) are best suited to the following outcomes?

  • a.Reach a large population
  • b.Give a more detailed or accurate message to audiences
  • c.Provide communication free of distortion
  • d.Will give immediate feedback.


  • a.Mass media
  • b.Interpersonal
  • c.Mass media
  • d.Interpersonal.

SAQ 9.2 (tests Learning Outcomes 9.1 and 9.2)

Suppose you have both interpersonal and mass-media communication methods available for health education as part of an HIV and TB programme. Which one is best for effective behaviour change? Give reasons for your answer.


Interpersonal means of communication are the best means to change the behaviour. Adoption of a behaviour passes through different stages and interpersonal communication has importance at all these stages. So if you want to help someone to change their health behaviour you will certainly have to use interpersonal communication effectively.

SAQ 9.3 (tests Learning Outcomes 9.1 and 9.3)

What do you think are the primary functions of non-verbal communication?


The primary functions of non-verbal communication are:

  1. Expression of emotion — emotions are expressed mainly through the face, body, and voice
  2. Communication of interpersonal attitudes — the establishment and maintenance of relationships is often done through non-verbal signals (tone of voice, gaze, touch, etc.)
  3. Accompany and support speech — vocalisation and non-verbal behaviours are synchronised with speech in conversation (nodding one’s head or using phrases like ‘uh-huh’ when another is talking)
  4. Self-presentation — presenting oneself to another through non-verbal attributes like appearance
  5. Rituals — the use of greetings, handshakes or other rituals.

Remember too that as well as using these various methods yourself you can ‘read’ them in other people. Most communication is a two-way thing and you can, for example, read other people’s appearance just as they can read yours.

SAQ 9.4 (tests Learning Outcomes 9.4 and 9.6)

Outline some of the different approaches that communication in health education might use to achieve behavioural change, depending on the type of the audience, and explain the reason for each approach.


Communication can take one of several approaches; generally, there are four approaches to health communication.

  • Informative: This type of message provides information about a new idea and makes it familiar to people. Mass media of this type is mostly used for wide coverage and reaching a large audience. Print materials and interpersonal communication are used to reinforce mass media messages and inform people in more detail and in ways that are more tailored to them as individuals.
  • Educating: The new idea is explained including its strengths and weaknesses. This approach is used when people are already aware, but need more information or clarification. Interpersonal communication with individuals or small groups is probably the most appropriate way to provide more detailed information and can be reinforced by print materials such as books, pamphlets and other multimedia approaches such as films, slide shows and videos.
  • Persuasive: The message promotes a positive change in behaviour and attitudes which encourages that audience to accept the new idea. This approach to message development involves finding out what most appeals to a particular audience. Persuasive approaches are more effective than coercive approaches in achieving behaviour change. Interpersonal communication is usually the most effective way to get across persuasive messages. Other persuasive methods include radio spots, advertisements and posters.
  • Prompting: Messages are designed so that they are not easily ignored or forgotten, or to remind the audience about something and reinforce earlier messages.

SAQ 9.5 (tests Learning Outcomes 9.4 and 9.5)

Describe some of the barriers to communication and say how you might try to overcome each barrier.


Communication barriers are categorised as follow:

Physical barriers include difficulties in hearing, seeing and inappropriate physical facilities. Make sure people can see and hear you as you deliver you message — and that they are physically comfortable.

Intellectual barriers may exist, between the sender and the receiver of the health message. So make sure that your messages are at the right level and can be understood by your audience.

Emotional barriers can exist, so try to ensure that you are in the right state of mind to deliver your health education messages and that your audience is in a good state of mind to receive your messages.

Environmental barriers such as noise, invisibility congestion. Make sure that these barriers are not present as you go about your health education work.

Cultural barriers include the customs, beliefs, religion, attitudes, economic and social class differences. So be aware of language variation and any age difference between you and your audience.

SAQ 9.6 (tests Learning Outcomes 9.1 and 9.2)

Which of the following statements is false? In each case explain why it is incorrect.

A  As one goes from interpersonal to mass communication types of communication, the effectiveness to bring about behavioural change increases.

B  As one goes from interpersonal to mass communication, the effectiveness to reach more people increases.

C  As one goes from interpersonal to mass communication, more effort and time are required.


A is false. Since the communication is active and interactive, there is high chance of utilising more than two senses, such as seeing, hearing and touching, where interpersonal communication is needed.

B is true. More people can be reached, but the communication is less targeted and less tailored to individuals.

C is true. Communication may be easily distorted since you mostly rely on word-of-mouth in the method.

Summary of Study Session 9