Summary of Study Session 19
In Study Session 19, you have learned that:
- Community mobilisation is a capacity building process through which you will be able to work with the community to identify and plan health activities.
- Always think of undertaking community mobilisation when the problem affects the whole community and when local resources, as well as larger-scale changes, are required to address the problem.
- The greatest benefits of community mobilisation are to build community capacity and to help the community identify and address its own needs.
- In community mobilisation, the first step is to investigate the health problems, then develop an action plan.
- Community participation as part of community mobilisation is critical for success.
- Participation enables local people to develop commitment, skills and knowledge, and it enhances the partnership with health workers.
- You will need to identify the right people in the community who can explain to you the norms, taboos and rules of the community before you start work in the community.
- Community mapping is a good community participatory tool.
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19.7.2 Community mapping