2.4  Establishing emotional boundaries with clients

One of the reasons legal professionals are sometimes reluctant to acknowledge their emotions when working with clients is because they feel it may encourage clients to be over-emotional or blur lawyer–client boundaries. The reality is that there are emotions involved in all lawyer–client interactions and that learning how to identify, understand and manage these can be highly beneficial. However, it is understandable that legal professionals are concerned about establishing and maintaining emotional boundaries, particularly where a matter is highly emotive or a client appears particularly emotionally volatile or vulnerable. Such boundaries protect both lawyers and clients, so having emotional boundaries in place is important. This article provides some interesting insights into the need for boundaries [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

Figure 2  Appropriate and inappropriate emotional boundaries between client and legal professional

The next activity is designed to provide strategies to assist you in setting or asserting appropriate emotional boundaries.

Activity 3  Working out the boundaries

Timing: Allow around 20 minutes

Read the following scenarios and answer the questions in the text boxes provided.

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This video discusses setting boundaries in more depth.

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Video 7  Mathijs on emotional boundaries
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Looking after yourself and the client

2.5  Working with difficult clients