The learning environment

People approach learning in different ways. There are a number of factors that, when combined, help to create a positive learning experience for you and your course participants.

These factors can be explained using Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ (Bates, 2016). This highlights that people have within them two sets of needs: one that strives for growth and one that clings to safety. In general, if a person must choose between these two needs, they will choose safety. So, unless people feel safe, they are unlikely to explore anything new.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is divided into two phases:

Lower order needs

  • Physiological: comfort, heating and lighting.
  • Safety: physical and psychological.

Higher order needs

  • Belonging: acceptance and mutual trust.
  • Esteem: self-confidence and self-respect.
  • Self-actualisation: realising potential and a desire to grow.

A positive learning environment means that a participant feels comfortable, has a sense of rapport with you as the group facilitator and with other group members, and believes they can be successful. An environment where participants do not feel physically comfortable, accepted and respected is a distraction from learning.

A positive learning environment contributes to a positive learning experience.

Environmental factors

Adults learn best when they feel safe and comfortable in their environment and know what to expect. An environment conducive to effective learning will have taken into account physical as well as social and emotional factors.

In other words, the educator will have considered things like appropriate seating, lighting, heat, etc., and considered their own attitudes and behaviour and those of the course participants and how these can impact on the learning environment.

You have not had to consider some of these factors when facilitating Remote DAFNE because you and your group have not occupied the same space, the same physical environment. Let’s think about the physical environment in more detail.

The physical environment