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Welcome to Safeguarding Practice.

Throughout this course we refer to ‘athletes’. This is a broad term referring to anyone taking part in any sport (including, for example, those taking part in netball, rugby, and tennis who are commonly called players).

You will also see the term ‘sports organisation’ used. This refers to any type of organisation delivering sporting activities, or responsible for governance in sport. The organisation may be local, national, or international, provide a range of different sporting activities, or focus on just one type of sport.

At times, you will see reference to a specific role within a sports organisation – the ‘Safeguarding Lead’. This is the person with named responsibility for leading safeguarding practice, irrespective of whether they have the term 'safeguarding' in their job title. Sometimes they are called the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO), Safeguarding Officer or Safeguarding Focal Point. Whatever they are called in your organisation, we will use Safeguarding Lead throughout to refer to people with this responsibility. We hope you find the course interesting.

Your welfare

During this course, you will be asked to think about different types of abuse that children and adults can experience. You may have your own lived experience of abuse and may find some of the content in this course difficult and upsetting.

Please make yourself aware of the support services that are available to you before starting the course, so that you know how to access this support if you need to.

Trigger warning

Whenever there is particularly sensitive content, you will see this symbol.

This acts as a trigger warning: a warning that the subject matter that follows contains content that is related to abuse in sport which some learners may find difficult or distressing.

In the box below, there are various download options. This is useful if you wish to study the course content offline for a period or you have issues with internet bandwidth or connection. There is a download box at the start of each session on this course.

How does the course work?