Summary of Study Session 2
In Study Session 2 you have learned that:
- Prepare your equipment for attending a labour and delivery in advance, so you are ready to go immediately if called.
- Make a rapid evaluation of the labouring woman’s vital signs (blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature).
- Follow the principles of woman-friendly care by respecting her beliefs, wishes and rights, and empowering her and her chosen caregivers to support the labour and delivery.
- Ask about and record the woman’s name, age, address, gravidity and parity, last menstrual period, when she first felt the fetus move, and how long since the first contraction.
- Ask about danger symptoms: vaginal bleeding, headache, convulsions, breathing difficulties, fever, severe abdominal pain or premature leakage of amniotic fluid (waters breaking).
- Use abdominal palpation using the four Leopold’s manoeuvres to determine the fetal presentation and position, and the extent of engagement of the presenting part.
- Do your vaginal examination of the woman in labour to assess cervical dilatation, fetal presentation and descent, the condition of the fetal skull, and signs of vaginal infection, scarring or swelling.
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2.3.6 Assess the external genitalia and vagina