9.5.2 Other common complications of obstructed labour
To summarise briefly, unless it is well managed, obstructed labour can also lead to the following complications in the mother:
- Postpartum haemorrhage (you will learn about this in Study Session 11 in this Module)
- Slow return of the uterus to its pre-pregnancy size
- Shock (low blood pressure and fast pulse rate)
- The small intestine becomes paralyzed and stops movement (paralytic ileus)
- Sepsis (widespread infection throughout the body)
- Death.
Complications of obstructed labour for the newborn can include:
You will learn in detail about complications affecting the newborn in the Modules on Postnatal Care and Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness
- Neonatal sepsis
- Convulsions (fits)
- Facial injury
- Severe asphyxia (life-threatening lack of oxygen)
- Death.
9.5.1 Fistula