4.6 Protecting children

Another important standard from the list above is number 10: protecting and supporting vulnerable or abused children. In the session on violence and child protection you covered your role in identifying violence and abuse in the community and in reporting. Here you are continuing the theme by considering protection for children within health facilities.

Children are not always safe in health facilities as this quote from a child participating in the Tanzania study indicates:

Fondling girls is very common (by health workers) and we don’t like it.

(From the consultation undertaken in Tanzania for the development of this module)

While the majority of health workers will act appropriately towards children, clear and agreed standards will help protect children and young people from exploitation or harm. There may also be many other people who are not health workers who are able to come in and have contact children and young people. Many workplaces have a child protection policy which lays out the procedure staff should follow in some detail.

Why should you implement child-friendly health standards?

What is the purpose of child protection standards?