Study session 4

Question 4.1

There are a lot of examples you could have given here but some of the most important points are

  • The attitude of staff – which includes being friendly, reassuring and respectful
  • The physical environment – which includes being welcoming and accessible to all children
  • Access to information for children and young people on health care and their rights
  • Procedures in place that support staff focusing on the rights and needs of children.

Question 4.2

  1. They can help change practice if everyone agrees to follow the same set of standards.
  2. They can ensure minimum standards and a more consistent delivery.
  3. Drawing up a charter can give children the opportunity to participate in changing the environment.
  4. To ensure that children can access health services in safety.
    • To protect and advocate for children’s rights.
    • To ensure that staff and other representatives are competent and committed to protecting the best interest of the child while accessing health services.
    • To maintain the reputation and credibility of your individual facility.