This is one of five modules in the CREATE curriculum on children’s rights education for health care workers in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It has been developed through a partnership between the MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation based in Arusha in Tanzania, The Open University in the UK and Child Rights Education for Professionals (CRED-PRO), an international programme committed to strengthening the understanding and application of children’s rights in professional practice.
We would like to thank the Oak Foundation in Geneva for its generous funding for the development of this programme and OPITO for additional funding to support advocacy and engagement activities.
CREATE was produced by a team of experts from the four participating countries, including representatives from government, academia, professional practice and the NGO sector. They were led in Child Rights Advocacy by Gerison Lansdown from CRED-PRO and trained and supported by experts in blended learning pedagogy from the CREATE team at The Open University. Many thanks to the governments and agencies who enabled them to participate. The authors are:
- Humphrey Onyango Wandeo, Children Services, Government of Kenya
- Kellen Karanu, Deputy Director of Children’s Services, Government of Kenya
- Kabanda Obed, MD, Executive Director, Action for Community Development (ACODEV), Uganda
- James Kaboggoza Ssembatya, Assistant Commissioner/Children’s Affairs, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Uganda
- Hajat Safinah Kisu Museene, Principal, Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery, Uganda
- Sarah Bunoti, PhD, Lecturer Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Kyambogo University, Uganda
- Stella Ayo-Odongo, Executive Director, Uganda Child Rights NGO Network (UCRNN), Uganda
- Yodit Tesfaye, Child Protection and Promotion Officer, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
- Samrawit Tassew Mekuria, MD, Medical Education Team Coordinator, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
- Stephen Ataro Ayella, MD, Save the Children, Tanzania.
The contributors of original material are:
- Gerison Lansdown, Co-Director, Child Rights Education for Professionals
- Andy Rixon, Lecturer in Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Open University, UK
- Tony O’Shea-Poon, Head of Equality and Information Rights, The Open University, UK
- Anna Peachey, Deputy Director (Academic) for International Development, The Open University, UK.
We would like to particularly acknowledge the additional material for this curriculum that was produced by TAMASHA in collaboration with District Youth Networks in Temeke (Dar es Salaam), Arusha and Magu. This was research conducted with young people by young people in Tanzania on their experiences of health care.
We would also like to thank those who acted as critical readers for the CREATE curriculum:
- Kate McAlpine, Freelance Consultant, Caucus for Children’s Rights, Tanzania.
- Els Heijnen-Maathuis, Technical Adviser Education, Save the Children International (Uganda)
- Richard Mabala, Director, Tamasha
- Dr Terry DiPaolo, Freelance Consultant
- Dr Helen Yanacopulos, Senior Lecturer in International Development, The Open University, UK.
The CREATE Team are:
- Gerison Lansdown, Co-Director, Child Rights Education for Professionals
- Andy Rixon, Lecturer in Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Open University, UK
- Tony O’Shea-Poon, Head of Equality and Information Rights, The Open University, UK
- Lindsay O’Dell, Senior Lecturer in Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Open University, UK
- Lesley-Anne Long, Deputy Director (Academic) for International Development (until April 2013), The Open University, UK
- Anna Peachey, Deputy Director (Academic) for International Development (after April 2013), The Open University, UK
- Ellen Scott, Senior Project Manager for International Development, The Open University, UK
- Alison Robinson, Senior Operations Manager for International Development, The Open University, UK
- Gail Vardy, Projects Coordinator for International Development, The Open University, UK
- Delphine Mugisha, Training Coordinator, MS-TCDC, Tanzania
- Steven Ndosi, Manager for Cross Cultural Department, MS-TCDC, Tanzania
- Anna Mbwambo, Programme Assistant, MS-TCDC, Tanzania.
Photographs and illustrations:
- Courtesy of Action for Community Development (ACODEV)
- Child-to-Child in collaboration with Unicef Ethiopia, March 2010.
All editing by Learning and Teaching Solutions at The Open University.
The opinions expressed in the CREATE materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the donor organisations whose generous support made the production of this material possible.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following sources:
Cover image: Tanzania, Kunke Village, Brian Sokol/IDRC/Panos.
Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.