3 Answers to self-assessment questions

Study session 1

Question 1.1

An action plan is a list of key tasks that need to be undertaken in order to achieve a particular goal or bring about a particular change. An action plan states what needs to be done, by when, and by whom.

Question 1.2

Action planning offers a number of important benefits when seeking to bring about change in children’s lives:

  • It provides an opportunity for reflection.
  • It brings people together and enables you to utilize a broad range of skills and knowledge.
  • It clarifies the objective.
  • It builds consensus.
  • It creates ownership and accountability.
  • It clarifies timescales.
  • It identifies measures of success.

Question 1.3

You could have identified any of the following characteristics of a good action plan:

  • There is a single, clearly defined, objective.
  • The timescales are realistic.
  • The plan is informed by the past, but focused on the future.
  • The plan takes into account external factors and constraints.
  • The tasks in the plan are aligned and contributing to the same objective.
  • The plan does not include anything unnecessary for the achievement of the objective.
  • The plan is sufficiently detailed for its purpose.
  • Responsibility is unambiguous.
  • The measures in the plan are clearly aligned to success.
  • The plan is revisited and updated at appropriate intervals.

Question 1.4

If you are going to involve children you need to make sure that you have considered the following:

  • Ethical considerations – making sure that children give consent to being involved, respect for confidentiality and privacy, and that thought is given to making sure that children feel confident to express their views.
  • Child protection considerations – you need to make sure that children are not exposed to risk by getting involved and that staff understand the importance of keeping children safe.
  • Diversity considerations – think about which children are involved and which are excluded, make sure no child is discriminated against or made to feel uncomfortable because they are, for example, a girl, or are disabled or from a poor family.
  • Accessibility considerations – if children with disabilities are involved you need to think about where they will meet and what are the physical barriers, such as steps or accessible toilets. You might also consider how to ensure you can communicate with children if they have learning or communication disabilities.

2.8 Answers to activities

Study session 2