Evaluation and certification

Activity 9 Evaluation and certification

Timing: 15 minutes during the sixth, and final, week of the course

The objectives of this course activity are to complete an evaluation form and, if you wish, print a course completion certificate and rate and review the course.

Your task is to complete the evaluation questionnaire, which can be found on the course page. There are also links there to print a certificate and rate the course. The certificate will be ‘released’ by your facilitator.

You have used Wikipedia, just one type of wiki, in this course. You may want to think more about using wikis in other ways in your teaching. Other courses are available that focus on different aspects of wikis. For an introduction to using wikis to encourage collaboration in the classroom, see Sharing ideas: introducing wikis (V08s). You may also refer to the longer and more detailed course Learning together: developing wikis (V01s).