Following the face-to-face session

Contacting participants

Activity 4 Posting in the forum

Timing: 30 minutes in the days following the face-to-face session

The objective of this course activity is to make contact with participants of the face-to-face session and have opportunity to share ideas emerging from the course so far.

As explained by your facilitator in the face-to-face session, the course forum is available to all participants in the course after the end of the two hour facilitated session.

Go to the forum and post a message to the other participants. You may wish to reflect on the course so far, or your plans for making use of the demonstrated resources with employers.

Working with learners

Activity 5 Work with the learning resource and a local employer to deliver Exploring organisations

Timing: 2 hours maximum during weeks three to five of the course

The objective of this course activity is to create a delivery mechanism for the Exploring organisations unit by using learning resource examples with local employers.

Working with a local employer from any business sector, create learning resources modelled on those supplied in the Exploring organisations learning journey that can be used in the classroom. The resources provided in the learning journey include interviews, CVs, case studies, role models and activities. These are based on a fictitious company Nuware and can be used to illustrate key concepts such as organisational structures, roles and cultures.

Go into the Exploring organisations learning journey and select a ‘meet the….’ nugget of learning. Make notes about the key information that is included in the resource. Reflect on how this could form the basis of a template to collect information from a local employer. Think about whether learners could create a questionnaire or interview schedule that would help to get the information from an employer that is needed for this unit. Look at one of the interviews for further help with the questions that might be asked.

Learners need to understand how different job roles fit into teams and larger structures within organisations. In the ‘meet the..’ nuggets there is a diagram under the ‘with’ tab that shows how the person’s role fits into the wider organisational structure. This can be used as a template to give to a local employer. Reflect on how you would support learners to create organisational structure charts for a local employer.

Continue to look at the Exploring organisations resources. There may be areas where employers would be sensitive about revealing too much information about their company, for example, when carrying out a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). In this case, the strengths and weaknesses nugget of learning might be useful to plug this gap. Reflect on whether you could use this as a simple activity to support learners understand this principle and how it might fit into your larger plan to use local employers for this unit.

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