Working with learners

In these activities, you will use the project resources, tools and skills from the face-to-face event with a group of learners and then report back on this in the course forum.

Activity 4 Working with learners on project management

Timing: A minimum of 2 hours over 3 weeks during weeks 2–5 of the course

The objective of this course activity is to work with a group of learners on a project management activity that makes use of the resources, project ideas, tools or techniques gained from the face-to-face event.

During Activity 1, Workshop 4 of the face-to-face event, you will have worked with employers and other participants to generate ideas for projects that can be shared with learners. You will have also seen examples of the Managing Projects resources created by e-skills UK. You may also have picked up skills and techniques in project management that you would like to share with learners.

In this activity, work with learners using something that emerged from the face-to-face event. This may be the project idea from which you can create a client brief and use it to start to create a project plan with learners.

You may wish to work with a group on specific skills, such as risk assessment, or you may wish to share information about the roles of members of project teams, and how they contribute to the project lifecycle.

Activity 5 Reporting back to the forum

Timing: 1 hour online week during the sixth and final week of the course

The objective of this course activity is to share your experiences of working with learners on project management activities with other course participants and your facilitator.

When you have worked with your group of learners, go back to the forum and respond to the ‘Reporting back’ discussion thread created by your facilitator. Post a message to the other participants reflecting on your work with learners including your thoughts on using the materials, ideas and skills gained from the face-to-face event.

Post-event activities

Shared knowledge