Learning outcomes
N.B. The technology or technologies to be used are identified in the Resources section for the course.
Professional and reflective practitioner skills
At the completion of this course, you should be able to:
- identify areas within the curriculum where you can introduce multimodal writing activities
- identify opportunities for the effective use of technology to support learning activities linked to your curriculum plans
- reflect on and discuss the impact of the use of technology to support learning in multimodality, writing, ICT and English at KS3
- share your learning with others in your field.
Practical skills
At the completion of this course, you should be able to:
- use technology to support teaching and learning in multimodality, writing, ICT and English at KS3
- use a range of tools to support multimodality, writing, ICT and English at KS3
Knowledge and understanding
At the completion of this course, you should be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
- a range of uses of technology to support multimodality, writing, ICT and English at KS3
- the issues involved in using technology in multimodality, writing, ICT and English at KS3.
Cognitive skills
At the completion of this course, you should be able to:
- critically review the use of technology to support teaching and learning in multimodality, writing, ICT and English at KS3
- share these reviews with others, constructively critiquing others’ views.
Course information