2.4 Summary of Section 2

Parasites are everywhere, are highly diverse, extend far way beyond the scope of human based activities and, as we have seen, algal parasites play a fundamental role in natural ecosystems. However, research and practical work on pathogens is always driven by human health, food or energy production and generally overlooked when it comes to organism interactions, specially algae.

Initially restricted to Asia, the potential of algal aquaculture sectors to meet diverse human needs is being recognised. This growing interest in algal diseases and their economic impact is likely an important driver for research. The next section will therefore focus on the main diseases and parasites that any algal aquaculture enthusiast is likely to encounter.

Further reading

If you are interested in exploring this area in more detail the following article considers some interesting questions around the role of parasites in ‘healthy ecosystems’:

2.3 Environmental impact of algal pathogens – Coccolithophores and their viruses

3 Weird seaweeds in aquaculture facilities