Course information

You will need access to:

  • a computer with a web browser
  • headphones (microphone and speakers) for online tutorials (a webcam is optional).
Duration of the course: 1 to 2 hours per week for five weeks.
Online hoursCollaborative (timetabled)1.75 hours
Collaborative (flexible)2 hours
Independent study online2 hours
Sub-total5.75 hours
Offline hoursIndependent study offline1 hours
TOTAL6.75 hours

Appropriate reading and viewing material and a list of game sites for the course are listed within the text. There a materials on the Vital website created by other teachers using games. These can be found by searching for ‘Games’ at [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

The Practitioner Research Cycle

Course schedule