TESSA Research Theme 3: Teacher education and professional development

Teacher education is complex and in many countries is under review. How can optimal teacher learning be facilitated? This theme explores how pedagogic change can be supported at all levels of the system so that teacher education is more relevant to the needs of teachers.
Papers, presentations and publications
Stutchbury, Kris (2022) Critical realism: an explanatory framework for small-scale qualitative studies or an ‘unhelpful edifice’? International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 45(2) pp. 113–128.
Buckler, Alison; Stutchbury, Kris; Kasule, George; Cullen, Jane and Kaije, Doris (2021) What Prevents Teacher Educators from Accessing Professional Development OER? Storytelling and Professional Identity in Ugandan Teacher Colleges Journal of Learning for Development, 8(1) pp. 10–26.
Stutchbury, Kris; Chamberlain, Liz and Amos, Sandra (2019). Supporting Professional Development Through MOOCs: the TESSA Experience. In: Pan-Commonwealth Forum 9 (PCF9), 2019. Conference Proceedings, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada.
Stutchbury, Kristina (2019).
Training teachers for inclusive education. Amivi-Cra Komlam and Michele Deane
Stutchbury, Kris (2014).
Femmes et TIC en Afrique Michèle Deane
New modes of communication technologies and the reform of open and distance learning programmes: A response to the global crisis in teacher education and training Frank Banks, Bob Moon and Freda Wolfenden, 2009
Building new modes of teacher education: research analysis for the Teacher in Education in Sub Saharan Africa programme Freda Wolfenden, 2008
The role of new communication technologies and distance education in responding to the global crisis in teacher supply and training: an analysis of the research and development experience Bob Moon
Promoting gender inclusion in a distance learning course to increase female recruitment to teaching Freda Wolfenden and Patricia Murphy, 2013
Reconsidering the evidence base, considering the rural: aiming for a better understanding of the education and training needs of Sub-Saharan African teachers Alison Buckler, 2011
Every child needs a teacher: The primary teacher supply and training crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa Bob Moon and Brendan O’Malley, 2008
Conceptualising a research agenda: Teachers and the development of rural communities Bob Moon and Alison Buckler, 2007
We’re improving the quality of teaching”: conceptualising ‘quality’ and ‘change’ using lessons from a current TESSA project - Open Research Online
Mediated Authentic Video: A Flexible Tool Supporting a Developmental Approach to Teacher Education - Open Research Online
What Prevents Teacher Educators from Accessing Professional Development OER? Storytelling and Professional Identity in Ugandan Teacher Colleges - Open Research Online