TESSA Research Theme 1: Does TESSA work?

This is where you will find formal reports about TESSA activity and related projects.
TESSA supports improvements in teacher pedagogy so measuring impact is challenging. Nevertheless, drawing on quantitative and qualitative methods, we have evidence that using TESSA can led to improved teacher and teacher educator practice, and an increased awareness of opportunities for professional development. It works best when it is mediated and our work highlights how this might be effective.
Stutchbury, Kris; Chamberlain, Liz and Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy., (2020) Supporting the teaching of early reading: An evaluation of the TESSA: Teaching Early Reading with African Storybook Badged Online Course (BOC)
Stutchbury, Kris (2016) - An evaluation of TESSA Secondary Science units, a small scale project, within the TESSA programme.
Stutchbury, Kris (2015) – A report summarising all the TESSA contributions at the DETA conference Mauritius
Professor Ken Harley and Professor Fred Simiyu Barasa (2012)
Pour télécharger le résumé de l'évaluation en français, cliquez sur :
Dr Kris Stutchbury, Dr Lore Gallastegi and Clare Woodward (2018-2021) ZEST Evaluation reports – Ongoing evaluations of a project designed to bring TESSA into schools in Zambia, at scale.
Last modified: Friday, 10 March 2023, 2:25 PM