TESSA Research Theme 4: OER to support change in education

How are Open Educational Resources produced, contextualised and used? TESSA as OER: The collaborative creation, development and use of OERs in teacher education.
OERs and partnership are at the heart of TESSA activity. Studies relating to this theme explore, compare and analyse how the TESSA OERs are created, adapted and implemented across the network.
Papers, presentations and publications
.Patricia Wambugu and Fred Keraro
.Simon Shaya and Francis William
Adapting OERs for professional communities: The Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa experience Freda Wolfenden and Alison Buckler, 2012
Cornelia Muganda, 2011
Wolfenden, Freda; Buckler, Alison and Keraro, Fred (2012).
Harnessing open educational resources to the challenges of teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa Jayshree Thakrar, Freda Wolfenden and Denise Zinn, 2009
The TESSA OER Experience: Building sustainable models of production and user implementation Freda Wolfenden, 2008
OERs in Sub-Saharan Africa – an appropriate response to the challenge of Education for All? The TESSA experience in Zambia Gareth Dart, 2011
Capturing changes in Sudanese teachers’ practice using reflective photography Freda Wolfenden and Alison Buckler, 2011
Using OERs to improve teacher quality: emerging findings from TESSA Freda Wolfenden, Abdurrahman Umar, Jessica Aguti and Amani Abdel Gafar, 2010
Cullen, Jane; Keraro, Fred and Wamutitu, Joseph (2012).
Joseph M. Wamutitu, Fred N. Keraro, Johnson M. Changeiywo and Jane Cullen, 2011
Teacher educators and OER in East Africa: Interrogating pedagogic change - Open Research Online