Succeeding in postgraduate study

Awarded to Doug Belshaw
Issued 20 October 2023, 3:26 PM
Course: Succeeding in postgraduate study

This badge has been issued for participating in the free non-accredited course Succeeding in postgraduate study. The course supported demonstration of the following learning outcomes: understand the requirements and demands of academic study at Master's level; recognise and begin to apply some of the conventions of academic and reflective writing at postgraduate level; carry out a literature search around a familiar subject and cite and reference literature within a short piece of original text; compare and evaluate different arguments and perspectives on a particular issue; begin to apply critical and reflective thinking in academic and professional contexts. You can review the course at the following link: This badge does not represent formal credit or award from The Open University. It does demonstrate participation in informal learning activity.


  • Users must complete the course"Succeeding in postgraduate study"