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Mental health in society free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Mental health in society

In this free course, Mental health in society, you will explore and critically reflect on mental health. You will explore the relationship between the lived experiences of individuals, and the society and environment in which they live. Different perspectives, approaches and models of understanding and critiquing mental health will be explored ...

Free course
8 hrs
Free resources for a safer online experience article icon

Digital & Computing

Free resources for a safer online experience

Safer Internet Day is celebrated on 11 February. To mark this event, we've pulled together some of our top FREE courses on cyber security, interactives on safe sharing and cyberbullying, and resources on keeping your money safe from scams.

15 hrs 28 mins
Chinese at the tip of your tongue: A glimpse of Chinese video icon


Chinese at the tip of your tongue: A glimpse of Chinese

Why does Chinese sound so tonal? Dr Kan explains the myth of pronouncing Chinese characters.

5 mins
Developing business ideas for drone technologies free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Money & Business

Developing business ideas for drone technologies

Are you a drone pilot looking to explore the opportunity of expanding your offering in the agricultural, forestry and rural sectors? Are you a student interested in knowing how drones can impact positively on agricultural sustainability? Maybe you know very little about drones but would like to experiment with them in rural settings. In this ...

Free course
24 hrs
Gain a badge and further your career article icon

Money & Business

Gain a badge and further your career

Did you know that The Open University offers a range of free badged courses on OpenLearn all geared towards helping you with employability and your career? 

10 mins
The Financial Five a Day Podcast Series audio icon

Money & Business

The Financial Five a Day Podcast Series

Do you want to improve your financial nutrition? This podcast series will inspire you to think more purposefully about your personal finance and money habits.

5 mins
Principles and practices of peace education free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Education & Development

Principles and practices of peace education

Principles and practices of peace education explores how peace might be built in everyday classroom practice. It can be used as individual study or as a basis for CPD with a larger group. It introduces layers of peace education for children and young people, including inner-peace and wellbeing; interpersonal peace through positive relationships ...

Free course
12 hrs
Gwneud cais i brifysgol - eich canllaw cam-wrth-gam activity icon

Education & Development

Gwneud cais i brifysgol - eich canllaw cam-wrth-gam

Gall y broses o wneud cais i astudio mewn prifysgol deimlo’n gymhleth ac yn llethol - dilynwch y canllaw cam wrth gam hwn ac aros ar y trywydd iawn.

5 mins
Exploring stereotypes in STEM video icon

Education & Development

Exploring stereotypes in STEM

Who belongs to STEM? This collection of videos explores stereoptypes in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

5 mins
Mental health in society free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Mental health in society

In this free course, Mental health in society, you will explore and critically reflect on mental health. You will explore the relationship between the lived experiences of individuals, and the society and environment in which they live. Different perspectives, approaches and models of understanding and critiquing mental health will be explored ...

Free course
8 hrs
Netball Super League 2025: the Nottingham Forest rise to success! article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Netball Super League 2025: the Nottingham Forest rise to success!

Learn about Nottingham Forest Netball and their rise to success in this article.

5 mins
Tricky Topics in Nursing video icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Tricky Topics in Nursing

Nasogastric tube insertion, chest auscultation, intramuscular injection and oxygen administration are all demonstrated in these videos suitable for nurses and other healthcare professionals.

5 mins
Introduction to music theory 2: pitch and notation free course icon level 1: introductory icon

History & The Arts

Introduction to music theory 2: pitch and notation

In this free course, you will explore the concept of musical pitch by working with examples of folk, popular, and classical music from several world traditions. You will learn how pitch is represented using staff notation and other forms of illustration. You will also practise reading and writing pitch using staff notation, and learn to perform ...

Free course
8 hrs
Past-Time Lover: Amelia Earhart article icon

History & The Arts

Past-Time Lover: Amelia Earhart

This article is part of a collection produced for Valentine’s Day. Who would you select for your Valentine from these iconic figures from history? 

5 mins
Understanding the role of art historians in a changing world video icon

History & The Arts

Understanding the role of art historians in a changing world

Over the last few decades, the discipline of Art History has been transformed in a variety of ways, drawing on broader intellectual debates, including gender, racial and social equality. But what might the future bring? Dr Samuel Shaw from The Open University speaks to experts from the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and looks at ...

10 mins
Crime fiction in French: le polar français free course icon level 2: intermediate icon


Crime fiction in French: le polar français

Le polar, crime fiction, is the most popular literary form in France. In this free course, you will discover the origins and development of French crime fiction, along with its current status, before reflecting on whether it is simply mass entertainment or, rather, genuine literature of quality. You will discover some important authors and work ...

Free course
6 hrs
Year of the Snake: Chinese Lunar New Year article icon


Year of the Snake: Chinese Lunar New Year

Happy Year of the Snake! Learn more about what this year means and how to say some traditional New Year greetings to celebrate.

5 mins
Chinese at the tip of your tongue: A glimpse of Chinese video icon


Chinese at the tip of your tongue: A glimpse of Chinese

Why does Chinese sound so tonal? Dr Kan explains the myth of pronouncing Chinese characters.

5 mins
Evolutionary tree of mammals free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Nature & Environment

Evolutionary tree of mammals

This introduction to the evolution of mammals considers Darwin's observations on mammals and how he noticed that species fell into natural groups. This free course, Evolutionary tree of mammals, looks at evidence from fossils and DNA to examine which mammals are most closely related to whales.

Free course
5 hrs
Talking turkey: 12 facts about turkey genetics article icon

Nature & Environment

Talking turkey: 12 facts about turkey genetics

The turkey is a fascinating bird - and demands more respect than a bit of stuffing and a spot of cranberry. Ricki Lewis explains more

5 mins
Learning our way to a better environment video icon

Nature & Environment

Learning our way to a better environment

How can our capacity for learning help us understand more about managing our environment? This short video looks at developing a more sustainable relationship between humans and the environment.

5 mins
White dwarfs and neutron stars free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Science, Maths & Technology

White dwarfs and neutron stars

Stars live their lives for millions or billions of years but will eventually die. Low mass stars (like the Sun) will end their lives producing so-called planetary nebulae, and leave behind a collapsed core known as a white dwarf. More massive stars will end their lives by exploding and producing a so-called supernova remnant, and leave a neutron...

Free course
6 hrs
What astronomical object was the Christmas Star? article icon

Science, Maths & Technology

What astronomical object was the Christmas Star?

In the lead-up to the festive season, Dr Becca Whitehead explores what astronomical objects the Christmas Star could have been.

5 mins
60 Second Adventures In Astronomy: The rotating moon video icon

Science, Maths & Technology

60 Second Adventures In Astronomy: The rotating moon

Discover how the Moon's orbit means we always see its best side...

5 mins
Carrying out research for policy and advocacy work free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Society, Politics & Law

Carrying out research for policy and advocacy work

How can you effectively influence decision makers to change laws, regulations or policies? How can your idea to improve an issue or problem be adopted by those in power? If you are involved in law reform or policy work, then this free course, Carrying out research for policy and advocacy work, is for you. Whether you are employed as a policy ...

Free course
8 hrs
Changemakers activity icon

Society, Politics & Law


Do you have issues you care about, affect you or your community or family? Small actions can lead to big changes.

30 mins
Voices from the Global South: confronting climate coloniality video icon

Society, Politics & Law

Voices from the Global South: confronting climate coloniality

Professor Farhana Sultana delivered a keynote to launch the ‘Voices from the Global South’ project, a collaboration between the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) (with the Institute of British Geographers), the International Geographical Union and The Open University. It was held at the RGS, London in June 2024. In her keynote Professor Sultana ...

50 mins
Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Digital & Computing

Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships

Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships, is a free course that introduces you to the diagramming techniques of Influence diagrams, Multiple Cause Diagrams and Cognitive Maps. Using a case study project based in Africa, this unit illustrates the powerful use of systems diagramming for international development management. This...

Free course
4 hrs
Free resources for a safer online experience article icon

Digital & Computing

Free resources for a safer online experience

Safer Internet Day is celebrated on 11 February. To mark this event, we've pulled together some of our top FREE courses on cyber security, interactives on safe sharing and cyberbullying, and resources on keeping your money safe from scams.

15 hrs 28 mins
Animal-Computer Interaction and dogs video icon

Digital & Computing

Animal-Computer Interaction and dogs

Dr Clara Mancini tells us how Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) is expanding the design of interactive systems beyond the human species.

15 mins