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Digital & Computing

Digital & Computing

Fundamental skills for how we live, work, socialise and play.
Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Digital & Computing

Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships

Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships, is a free course that introduces you to the diagramming techniques of Influence diagrams, Multiple Cause Diagrams and Cognitive Maps. Using a case study project based in Africa, this unit illustrates the powerful use of systems diagramming for international development management. This...

Free course
4 hrs
An expert’s take on AI article icon

Digital & Computing

An expert’s take on AI

Got any burning questions about Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Mike Richards, Senior Lecturer in Computing at The Open University, explains all in this article for National Coding Week.

5 mins
Animal-Computer Interaction and dogs video icon

Digital & Computing

Animal-Computer Interaction and dogs

Dr Clara Mancini tells us how Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) is expanding the design of interactive systems beyond the human species.

15 mins