Mastering systems thinking in practice

Awarded to Mark Healey
Issued 10 April 2022, 1:54 PM
Course: Mastering systems thinking in practice

This badge has been issued for participating in the free non-accredited course Mastering systems thinking in practice. This course supported demonstration of the following learning outcomes: challenge systematic thinking and systematic approaches to understanding and working with complex situations; explain how and why different systems of interest can be defined and described within complex situations; recognise that each person brings with them their own perspective on a situation and to work with those multiple perspectives; relate key ideas, techniques and approaches in systems thinking to professional practice when working with complex situations; plan how to take the study of systems thinking in practice further for professional development. You can review the course at the following link: This badge does not represent formal credit or award from The Open University. It does demonstrate participation in informal learning activity.


  • Users must complete the course"Mastering systems thinking in practice"