Exploring career mentoring and coaching

Awarded to Stephen Francis Myler
Issued 23 March 2020, 10:04 AM
Course: Exploring career mentoring and coaching

This badge has been issued for participating in the free non-accredited course Exploring career mentoring and coaching. This course supported demonstration of the following learning outcomes: recognise the difference between mentoring and career coaching, and analyse how each can enhance career development; understand the importance of self-awareness and how to develop this; choose a mentor or coach with confidence; get the most from relationships with mentors or coaches; reflect on personal experiences and consider becoming a mentor or coach . You can review the course at the following link: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/money-business/exploring-career-mentoring-and-coaching/content-section-overview. This badge does not represent formal credit or award from The Open University. It does demonstrate participation in informal learning activity.


  • Users must complete the course"Exploring career mentoring and coaching"