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Grid List Results: 169 items
Eric King and Bill Binney: Some thoughts on their interview video icon

Society, Politics & Law

Eric King and Bill Binney: Some thoughts on their interview

The OU's Ray Corrigan offers his views on the recent interview between Eric King and NSA whistleblower Bill Binney - and what it means from a UK perspective.

15 mins
Some of all human knowledge: Wikipedia at 15 article icon

Digital & Computing

Some of all human knowledge: Wikipedia at 15

Wikipedia has grown into the world's go-to source for information. This raises more problems than just a few missing citations...

5 mins
How can governments ensure their cybersecurity is strong? article icon

Digital & Computing

How can governments ensure their cybersecurity is strong?

The state government of Michigan has adopted a response to potential digital attacks that provide a useful model, explains Brian Nussbaum.

5 mins
Is Adele's decision to keep 25 off Spotify going to change the music industry? article icon

History & The Arts

Is Adele's decision to keep 25 off Spotify going to change the music industry?

Adele has sold shedloads of her new album - and kept it off streaming services. But she might be fighting a losing battle...

5 mins
Paris Attacks: Social media is the villain of the piece, and the hero of the hour article icon

Digital & Computing

Paris Attacks: Social media is the villain of the piece, and the hero of the hour

In both the planning and response to the Paris Attacks on November 13th, social media played a role. Two experts explain more.

10 mins
Are NHS-recommended mental health apps actually doing any good? article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Are NHS-recommended mental health apps actually doing any good?

The NHS has endorsed a number of apps promising better mental health. Trouble is, says Simon Leigh, there's no real evidence they can deliver.

5 mins
How can Facebook decide who you really are? article icon

Science, Maths & Technology

How can Facebook decide who you really are?

Facebook's policy of insisting on real names is causing problems for people who value their privacy. For Ellery Roberts Biddle, the social network is overstepping its boundaries by demanding proof of identity without having proper policies in place to protect its users.

5 mins
What is openwashing - and how can you avoid it? article icon

Digital & Computing

What is openwashing - and how can you avoid it?

Claiming to be open - whether in software, education resources, data, or government - but only for the kudos without making good on the open promise can undermine the whole movement. Patrick Masson from the software Open Source Iniative explores those whose doors say open, but their attitudes remain closed.

5 mins
Do people need Peeple? article icon

Digital & Computing

Do people need Peeple?

Assuming it's not all some marketing prank, the Peeple app looks set to create a new way for people to be mean to each other. Ansgar Koene says you better prepare yourself.

5 mins
When the public speaks: How refugees welcome shows the public as dangerous giants article icon

Society, Politics & Law

When the public speaks: How refugees welcome shows the public as dangerous giants

The outpouring of hashtag grief over the detah of Aylan Kurdi, and related support for #refugeeswelcome shows how people acting together can have effects beyond those the power of individuals.

5 mins
Fair shares? Why sharing needs a democratic revolution article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Fair shares? Why sharing needs a democratic revolution

The sharing economy is in danger of becoming dominated by Silicon Valley. That needs to change, says Chris Martin.

5 mins
Piracy, anonymity & parametric politics: An interview with Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle article icon

History & The Arts

Piracy, anonymity & parametric politics: An interview with Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle

The growing embrace of big data makes identity an increasingly contentious space. Researchers Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle's work explores where the new digital world might take us.

15 mins