33 search results

COVID-19: Immunology, vaccines and epidemiology Badge icon
Science, Maths & Technology

COVID-19: Immunology, vaccines and epidemiology

...epidemiology, explains how antibodies protect against viral infections and how the incidence of antibodies can be used to track an epidemic. The course incorporates an interactive on-line assay (ELISA) of the type that is used to detect antibodies against COVID-19 infection. The samples in the assay correspond to serum-samples from the UK population in August 2021, when a...
Medical statistics Copyright free Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

Medical statistics

...epidemiology and more widely in medical statistics. Section 1 introduces cohort studies in which individuals are classified according to their exposure and followed forward in time to evaluate disease outcomes. Section 2 looks at models for cohort studies. Section 3 introduces case-control studies in which individuals are selected according to their disease status and...
Level 2: Intermediate 16 hrs
Do children exercise less in winter? Creative commons Icon
Education & Development

Do children exercise less in winter?

...Epidemiology Unit and Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR) at the University of Cambridge used data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study, which measured levels of physical activity in more than 700 seven year old children across a calendar year using accelerometers. Using the data, they also modelled the relationship between levels of activity and variables such...
COVID-19: Making decisions based on flawed statistics Creative commons Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

COVID-19: Making decisions based on flawed statistics

...Epidemiological modelling is a tool used to predict these patterns based on information we know, and scientists consider a broad range of factors that influence spread. A disease’s transmission depends on modelling many things, including the number of infected, susceptible, and recovered people, not at a single time point but changing over time. Also, the impact of any...
Exercise and mental health Copyrighted Icon
Health, Sports & Psychology

Exercise and mental health

...epidemiological research that's actually showing that, if certain criteria are met for a health problem that's being treated by a certain intervention, if there's consistency of data across gender, for example, if there's coherence across nations for the effect size – how big a change occurs. For all of those things, depression certainly has been shown to be improved...
Level 2: Intermediate 2 hrs
Open Minds - Diabetes and Depression: A Tale of Three Cities

Open Minds - Diabetes and Depression: A Tale of Three Cities

...Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications (EDC) Study. On her return to the UK, she worked alongside practitioners in Birmingham to develop ways of involving people with diabetes from minority ethnic groups who are often excluded due to language and literacy difficulties. As part of her inaugural lecture she will be describing her development of alternative methods for...
Why friendships are vital to your wellbeing Copyright free Icon
Health, Sports & Psychology

Why friendships are vital to your wellbeing

...Epidemiology and Community Health 59, 8, 619-627. Leach, J. (2015) Improving Mental Health through Social Support: Building Positive and Empowering Relationships, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Mind (2004) Not Alone? Isolation and Mental Distress. London: Mind. Teo, A., Choi, H., and Valenstein, M. (2013) ‘Social Relationships and Depression: Ten-Year Follow-Up...
How does COVID-19 affect cancer treatment? Copyright free Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

How does COVID-19 affect cancer treatment?

...epidemiology. Based on 481 patients who have died from COVID-19, the Italian Superior Institute of Health reported several diseases that were more frequently associated with COVID-19-related deaths. Underlying condition Number of patients Percentage (%) Hypertension 355 73.8 Diabetes mellitus 163 33.9 Cardiovascular ischemia 145 30.1 Atrial fibrillation 106 22 Chronic...