214 search results

Biology Week Copyright free Icon

Biology Week

...Biology Week 2023, running from Monday 16th to Friday 20th October...9-16 October is Biology Week, the Royal Society of Biology’s celebration of the biosciences. The Society has a number of events planned throughout the week. You can also follow events from the Biology Qualification Team by following us on Twitter (@Biology_OU). Biology is the study of life, from ......
Article 5 mins
Field Biology Copyrighted Icon
Education & Development

Field Biology

...biology skills from your back garden...Session 1: Introduction Session 2: Starting your field notes Session 3: Sketches and taking pictures Session 4: Recording the daily log Session 5: Using smartphones to help make field notes Session 6: Identifying a Species Browse more subject-specific resources on the University of South Wales website. [University of South Wales...
Animals at the extremes: polar biology Copyrighted Icon
Nature & Environment

Animals at the extremes: polar biology

...biology, explores the polar climate and how animals like reindeer, polar bears, penguins, sea life and even humans manage to survive there. It looks at the adaptations to physiological proceses, the environmental effects on diet, activity and fecundity, and contrasts the strategies of aquatic and land-based animals in surviving in this extreme habitat...The extreme...
Biology: Climate Change & Conservation Copyright free Icon
Education & Development

Biology: Climate Change & Conservation

The main objective of this session is to discuss how research that scientists carry out now can help tackle the combined challenges of climate change and habitat loss...The session will outline the dual threats of climate change and habitat loss and allow students to discuss their potential impacts. The session will then move on to looking at two applied research...
Genomic “dark matter”: a key to understand cancer biology? Creative commons Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

Genomic “dark matter”: a key to understand cancer biology?

Could studying certain elements in our genome , previously considered to be 'junk', hold the key to the treatment of several diseases? One OU Ph.D. student explains her research:...The non-coding component of our genome [the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA] shows the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA via transcription and then to proteins via...
Computer Science: Bioinformatics & Our Genomic Information Copyright free Icon
Education & Development

Computer Science: Bioinformatics & Our Genomic Information

...biology, discussing its potential and its ethical implications...We can now automate laboratory experiments, decode and interpret genomes, store large amounts of data and model a wide range of intricate systems from epidemics to the connections of the brain. The subject areas of biology, computer science and mathematics are being brought together to enable our future. We...
Influenza: A case study Copyrighted Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

Influenza: A case study

...biology of influenza, covering a range of topics including: the virus, infection, replication, mutation, immune responses, pathology, surveillance, diagnosis and treatment...This free course, Influenza: A case study, explores the biology of influenza, covering a range of topics including: the virus, infection, replication, mutation, immune responses, pathology,...
Level 3: Advanced 6 hrs
Charles Darwin - the man and the scientist
Science, Maths & Technology

Charles Darwin - the man and the scientist

...biology at UCL in London, which is dedicated to Robert Edmond Grant, a professor of biology who was an important early influence on Darwin. The tracks on this album were produced by The Open University in collaboration with the British Council. They form part of Darwin Now, a global initiative celebrating the life and work of Charles Darwin and the impact his ideas about...