1,515 search results

Citizen science and the data avalanche Creative commons Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

Citizen science and the data avalanche

...citizen science...Astronomy and particle physics have begun a new data-rich era of discovery, from finding warps in space and time to new particles in accelerators. But the data avalanche is so fast, so large and so complex that it's a challenge for computing. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, regularly offers no easy solutions. You may be surprised to find out that humans...
Citizen science and global biodiversity Copyright free Icon Badge icon
Science, Maths & Technology

Citizen science and global biodiversity

...Citizen science and global biodiversity, deals with the importance of biodiversity and explores how anyone can contribute to and be involved in identifying and recording wildlife, as a citizen scientist. It looks at what citizen science is, and how citizen science facilitates public involvement in scientific research activities as ......
What part did citizen science play in hurricane disaster relief? Creative commons Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

What part did citizen science play in hurricane disaster relief?

...citizen science platform), the University of Oxford, and NGO Rescue Global, has enlisted thousands of volunteers worldwide to analyse satellite-based information. The end result is a series of maps that highlight affected areas, providing a robust source of information which helps Rescue Global and the disaster relief community to generate more detailed mapping, and...
iSpot: Your place to share nature Creative commons Icon
Nature & Environment

iSpot: Your place to share nature

...citizen science here should not be overlooked. Citizen science allows anyone to participate and contribute while engaging with and learning about science. It can foster deep and meaningful connections with nature, as well as facilitate informed action. A long-term citizen science platform for identifying and learning about ......
Treezilla Copyrighted Icon
Society, Politics & Law


...citizen science that everyone from school children to university students and the general public can get involved with. The idea is to map every tree in Britain. This will create a data-rich platform on which a wide range of citizen science investigations can be built". Treezilla is one of many applications available with The OpenScience Laboratory. It was initiated by...
Activity 5 mins
How to find invisible black holes Copyrighted Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

How to find invisible black holes

...citizen science project. In citizen science projects, we ask volunteers – you! – for help figuring out things that computers can’t solve for us! Black Hole Hunters is the Open University’s second citizen science project using data from the SuperWASP All-Sky Survey. The first of these projects was SuperWASP Variable Stars, which is searching for ......
Ageing well by connecting and learning about nature outdoors Copyrighted Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

Ageing well by connecting and learning about nature outdoors

...citizen science help with the physical, cognitive and social aspects associated with ageing well?...Age-related natural decline happens in both physical and cognitive aspects. Ageing affects our muscles, bones, joints, our brain and all other organs. Despite its relatively small size (2% of our body weight), our brain takes around 20% of all glucose and 20% of all oxygen...
‘Citizen sensing’ and new forms of environmental monitoring Creative commons Icon
Society, Politics & Law

Citizen sensing’ and new forms of environmental monitoring

...citizen science’ has grown over the past few decades due to a policy drive for public participation in science, a greater availability of sensor technology, and the longstanding willingness of people to become involved in issues that concern them. Citizen science is often a reaction to what is seen as insufficient monitoring by governments, and there are several...