1,055 search results

Simple coding Copyright free Icon
Digital & Computing

Simple coding

...simple coding? Want to understand the basics of what it entails? This course introduces you to the skills, concepts and jargon of coding. ...Have you ever wanted to try out simple coding? Want to understand the basics of what it entails? This course introduces you to the skills, concepts and jargon of coding. ...Simple ......
Level 1: Introductory 2 hrs
Simple Coding - Summary Copyrighted Icon
Digital & Computing

Simple Coding - Summary

...Simple Coding' collection. ...In this brief introduction to programming you have seen the fundamental building blocks that almost every programming language provides: variables and assignment (=) to store and update data arithmetic operators (+, -, *) simple data types (strings and numbers, both integers and floating point) data structures (lists) sequence (one...
What is the genome made of? Copyrighted Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

What is the genome made of?

...simple coding language of just four letters could be rearranged in such a sequence, you will gain some appreciation of the huge variety of sequences that is possible. Take, for example, a short chain of just eight nucleotides. Since there are four different bases, there are four options for each position, and therefore 4×4×4×4×4×4×4×4=65 536 possible different...
Level 1: Introductory 4 hrs
Coding and Algorithms Copyrighted Icon
Digital & Computing

Coding and Algorithms

Ever wanted to code your very own programme? What is Python? Do algorithms boggle you? Look no further!...[Image of computer code on a computer screen] As part of Make it Digital Season we have curated some content around computer coding and algorithms to help you delve deeper into the subject area:
Music in Code
History & The Arts

Music in Code

...Code A short introduction to this album The Decap Cafe Organ The mechanical music manufacturer’s craft - how a robot organ plays music through code. The Pin Barrel What is a pin barrel and how does it create music? The mechanisms of pin barrrels in the Nickelodeon Collection at Ashorne Hall. Street Piano The story of a traditional barrel piano from Warwick, its...
Audio 29 mins
Could you be a code breaker? Copyrighted Icon
Science, Maths & Technology

Could you be a code breaker?

...simple substitution (solved by frequency analysis). Earn stars for each challenge, and learn about code-breaking through the ages by playing our interactive ‘Could you be a code breaker?’ [Front image capture for the game 'CODE BREAK'] Click on the image above to start playing CODE BREAK. Instructions For best results, use a modern web browser. Upgrade to the latest...
Success and failure in healthcare: should regulation be simple or integrated? Copyrighted Icon
Health, Sports & Psychology

Success and failure in healthcare: should regulation be simple or integrated?

...medical qualifications could practise as doctors. While the King was sympathetic to this simple attempt at regulating medical practice, a shortage of doctors prevented the implementation of the petition (The Health Foundation, 2016). It seems regulation wasn’t quite so simple after all. At Mid Staffs regulation was complex and multifaceted and, curiously, systematically unregulated and uncoordinated. The ......
UCAS and Clearing - Advice for parents and guardians Copyrighted Icon
Education & Development

UCAS and Clearing - Advice for parents and guardians

...simple ways you can help your young person prepare for Clearing and make the most of their choices. Preparing UCAS course codes, institution codes and contact details are a way to get organised, as well as getting to know deadlines. [University of Wales Trinity Saint David logo] This resource was provided by University of Wales Trinity Saint David​ and is part of the...