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Understanding autism
Understanding autism

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Saturday, 18 January 2025, 4:20 AM
Site: Open Learning
Course: Understanding autism (AUT_1)
Glossary: Glossary

Inside perspective

A term used for the insights contributed by people with autism based on their own experience of the condition.

Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

The overall score that a person achieves on a standardised test of verbal and non-verbal abilities, which indicates how well they perform in comparison to others of the same age.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

The World Health Organisation's formal system for the classification and diagnosis of physical, psychiatric, mental health and developmental conditions. The current edition (ICD-10) reflects the older sub-type approach to diagnosing autism, whereas the next edition (ICD-11) due in 2018 will be more aligned with the DSM-5 approach.

Intervention group

The group in a controlled intervention evaluation study who receives the intervention. (See also Randomised Control Trial, Controlled Study.)


Procedures for supporting and improving the development, functioning and well-being of someone with autism, helping them to engage with others, thrive and fulfil their potential.


The characteristic rise and fall of speech, which plays a role in communication. People with autism may have difficulty interpreting intonation in speech, or may have unusual intonation themselves. (See also non-verbal communication.)