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Introducing the voluntary sector
Introducing the voluntary sector

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Course glossary

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Required to justify decisions or actions to others, e.g. stakeholders or service users.


The power to enforce rules or to give orders that are likely to be obeyed.


Degree of freedom from control or influence to make own decisions and choices, e.g. organisational autonomy, managerial or employee.



Compares organisational processes and performance against other organisations i.e. best practice. One example is People Count, an annual study conducted into human resource and workforce measures.


Case studies

Studies of particular issues, places or events. Case studies are regularly used in research.

Change and continuity

Change highlights those aspects of society that differ over time; continuity refers to those aspects of society that stay the same over time.


Organisations set up to provide help and raise money for those in need (people, animals, environmental and other causes).

See also registered charity.

Charity Commission

An organisation that registers and regulates charities in England and Wales. The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland fulfils the same role in Northern Ireland and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator does so in Scotland.

Civil society

A alternative term for the voluntary sector, although this definition goes beyond the organisations and includes people coming together by various means in order to develop civic values and skills in order to create a better society.


A group of people living in the same place and/or having characteristics or interests in common.

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