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Working in the voluntary sector
Working in the voluntary sector

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Particular words or expressions used by professions or organisations that are difficult for people outside the groups to understand.



Availability of liquid assets, i.e. easy access to money from the bank.


market segmentation

A marketing strategy whereby the market is divided into subsets of people or organisations which share common needs or interests. This means these different groups can be targeted more specifically.


Where funds need to be raised in equal (or matched) amounts. It is often a condition of grants, whereby the funder says that an equal amount has to be raised by the organisation before it will award the grant.



In the context of meetings or relationships at work, this relates to discussions that aim to reach agreement, often through compromise.


A notional cost (expenditure) is a hidden cost, e.g. buying a new piece of equipment creates an actual cost but then there may be additional costs in training people to use it.



Different organisations within the same or different sectors working together to achieve common goals. They may involve short- or long-term projects and involve small or substantial budgets. In some cases, the partnerships become new integrated organisations.


How effectively somebody works (it can also be applied to machinery or organisations).


registered charity

A voluntary organisations registered with the appropriate commission in England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. The organisation has to meet conditions relating to name, governance, trustees and finances.


Voluntary organisations are regulated or checked by the appropriate commission to guard against malpractice. Fundraising is also regulated in the UK.

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