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Being an OU student
Being an OU student

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6.1 Using other university libraries

The OU belongs to a national scheme called ‘SCONUL Access’, which enables you to borrow books from many other university libraries in the UK and Ireland. Or, if you live near another university library, you might just want to use it as a quiet place to study.

This next activity will help you get started with this.

Activity 7 Accessing SCONUL

Timing: Allow about 5 minutes

Visit the SCONUL website and locate the closest library to where you live or work that is part of the scheme.

Please note that, due to the need to limit external visitors to libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic, the scheme may not be available.

If you decide you want to join the scheme, you need to register for a library card (universities will not accept other forms of ID). To start the process, follow the step-by-step instructions on the SCONUL website.

There’s been a lot of information to take on board in this session, so the quiz in the next section will give you a chance to check if you know your way around.