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Supporting children's mental health and wellbeing
Supporting children's mental health and wellbeing

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7.2 Policies in settings

Early years and school settings have many policies that cover a wide range of issues. Policies that relate to health and wellbeing are likely to address mental health. However, there are other policies that may not appear to be directly linked to wellbeing.

An image of a jigsaw piece labelled ‘Policies’ and a matching space in the puzzle as ‘Procedure’.
Figure 10 Policies and procedures

Activity 4 Policies that help to support children’s mental health

Timing: Allow about 10 minutes
  1. List the policies in an education setting that you think can help to support children’s mental health.
  2. Give a brief explanation of why and how the policy can help to support children’s mental health.
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You may have thought of the following:

  • behaviour management
  • safeguarding
  • anti-bullying interventions.

The following sections explain the ways that these policies can help to support children’s mental health.