7 Summary
We are now at the end of the week. In addition to feeling more confident about e-safety and digital well-being, you should also have a greater understanding of how to protect your own work and respect the rights of others.
This week you have considered your online safety and well-being, and explored copyright and Creative Commons. You have:
- assessed how safe you feel online
- built up some strategies to create passwords and protect yourself online
- reflected on your digital well-being and the balance of your online and offline activity
- developed the ways you communicate with people online
- gained an understanding of how copyright and Creative Commons protects the work you create and share online
- established how to reuse the work of others legally.
You have learned:
- how to protect yourself online
- how to communicate with people online
- how to manage the time you spend online and connecting with other people
- how to use Creative Commons licences.
Next week, you will learn how to search online for reliable information, and find what you need quickly. You will also find out how to judge who and what to trust when you are in a digital environment.
You are now half way through the course. The Open University would really appreciate your feedback and suggestions for future improvement in our optional end-of-course survey [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , which you will also have an opportunity to complete at the end of Week 8. Participation will be completely confidential and we will not pass on your details to others.
You can now go to Week 5.