2 What skills are needed in today’s society?
Sir Ken Robinson challenges current education practices. He advocates a culture of creativity and awareness of multiple intelligence types. In the following activity you’ll watch a video in which he asks what education actually does for learners.

Activity 1 Sir Ken Robinson
Watch the video of Sir Ken Robinson (2006) on Ted Talks [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] from 9 minutes in to 12 minutes. Open the video in a new tab or window by holding down Ctrl (or Cmd on a Mac) when you click on the link.
The video is designed to help you think about the knowledge, skills and competencies your learners may need if they progress onto further or higher education or employment. After watching the video answer the following three questions (you will revisit your answers to these questions at a later stage and they will be saved within the course).
- Assuming your learners will progress to university, what skills do your learners need to progress in education from now until they graduate?
- Assuming your learners may leave the education system and not attend university, what skills will all the learners need to progress into employment?
- Assuming your learners will progress to university, what skills do your learners need to progress into employment after they graduate?
You will return to the answers you have offered for the above questions at the end of the course. In the next section you’ll look further at how the skills required today relate to what is taught.