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Exploring innovative assessment methods
Exploring innovative assessment methods

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3 Pedagogical and technical design principles and apps

Hustinx et al. (2019) as part of the Tablio project, in an evaluation report titled ‘Realising Classroom Differentiation and Inclusion with Tablets’, described a number of examples of best practice from classrooms across Europe ranging from primary schools to secondary schools and higher education.

Image advertising Tablio - tablets in education.
Figure _unit2.4.1 Figure 1 Tablio - tablets in education

The report produced a number of case studies that examined how mobile devices could be used for teaching, learning and innovative assessment. This included formative and summative assessments. Activity 4 will ask you to engage in some specific reading from the report. After completing this course, you might find it helpful to look through the report and identify case studies based on your own area of interest. Some things you may find useful are:

  • The pedagogical principles, which were designed to provide guidance for educators on how to introduce different types of learning and assessment with the use of mobile devices.
  • The technical design principles that explain the factors you should consider when implementing innovative assessment such as security, the use of different devices with different operating systems or the infrastructure you may need to incorporate innovative assessments into the curriculum.
  • A list of applications or apps that can be downloaded and used by learners and educators on mobile devices. These apps can be used for both formative and summative assessment.

Activity _unit2.4.1 Activity 4 Tablio

Timing: Allow approximately 40 minutes

Please access the Tablio report [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . (Open the report in a new tab or window by holding down Ctrl (or Cmd on a Mac) when you click on the link.)

Once you have accessed the report, read the following sections that can be found on pages 28–36 and make notes on a piece of paper relating to the following areas:

  • Pedagogical design principles on classroom differentiation and inclusion with tablet
  • The SPACIER-principles – Technical design principles on classroom differentiation and inclusion with tablets
  • List of apps.

Once you have read the sections, review the notes that you made for this activity as well as Activities 1, 2 and 3 this week. Collate the information and write a summary on a sheet of paper. With your mobile device take a picture of your notes and email the picture to your own personal email account where you can save it for further reference.