5 Summary of Session 6
In this session, you have looked at the significance of fostering information literacy in a world where students have greater access to information than ever before. Whether teaching them about your library’s classification system or how to use the internet for research, furnishing students with the skills necessary to navigate, retrieve, and critically assess information has never been more important.
This session also looked at how to support independent learning and reasoning amongst students. For example, this may involve providing students with a template for approaching research methodically and analytically. Finally, you discussed the importance of acknowledging one’s sources, the potential consequences of plagiarism, and some of the ways in which you can encourage best practices amongst students of all ages.
In the next session, you will explore the theme of advocacy. In particular, you will learn why it is important, how you can advocate for your own library, and more broadly, how networking and awareness of new developments in the field can make you a better advocate for the profession as a whole.
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