Summary of Week 1
This week has been all about the nature of intervention, in particular the ways in which development actors start to plan interventions, with the aim of bringing about change.
You first looked at the contexts within which development actors work, and at how important it is to explore and understand these contexts.
You then explored the different sorts of interventions that development actors plan and implement. Highlighting their diversity and the very different levels and scales at which they can operate.
Next, you stepped back to consider the nature of the desired changes that interventions are intended to bring about. You looked at the ways in which development actors place boundaries around their interventions, and then start to plan their actions. And you were introduced to the project cycle to simplify the process of how a project is delivered.
Over the coming weeks you will deepen your understanding of how development actors design, implement and evaluate development interventions.
Now go to Week 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .