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Empires: power, resistance, legacies
Empires: power, resistance, legacies

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4 Summary of Session 3

You have now reached the end of Session 3. In this session, you have looked at resistance as a pivotal aspect of imperial history. You have explored how resistance can be expressed through various forms, such as uprisings and subtle acts like practicing banned traditions. These acts built the foundation for collective action against imperial rule. While resistance came at a personal cost, it could lead to transformation. You have explored case studies, including the Battle of Adwa and how it prolonged Ethiopian independence, and women’s roles in the Algerian War. These exemplify the diverse manifestations and significance of resistance.

Session 4 will explore the legacies left behind by empires and how the unfinished business of extricating systems of power continues to shape the world today. You can go to Session 4 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] when you are ready.